Sunday, January 3, 2010

First Blog!!!

Wow, that has to be the most original title of someone's first blog, ever...PERIOD. But, in all seriousness, this is my first blog. Before you start reading this, you'll probably want to know why I am starting a blog, but I want to lay out some ground rules first for you.

  1. I have ADHD (well, had, not sure if it's curable, so I still use it as an excuse for everything). Because of this, I will try to keep my blogs short. I hate reading those blogs that are excessively long (BTW, I am going to break this rule for this first blog).
  2. I have a nasty mouth and tend to say whatever is on my mind. However, I realize that people don't necessarily want this on a blog, so, while I won't necessarily keep it "Family Friendly", I will keep it suitable for work. If I ever post anything that is Not-Suitable-For-Work, I will post NSFW...get it, the acronym is the first letter of each word in the tagline Not-Suitable-For-Work! (I know there is at least one person out there that has seen this before and didn't know what it stood for, so I decided to give you a free knowledge point AND you didn't even have to raise your hand to ask a question).
  3. I will always try to have a point, albeit not necessarily a good one, to my blog posts. You can thank Facebook for giving me an outlet to my pointless posts.
  4. I am a political person. I am a democrat. I am proud of it. I WILL NEVER POST ANYTHING POLITICAL AGAIN.
  5. I really hope you subscribe to this via Google Reader, or any other RSS feed, because I don't want to be blogging for no reason.
  6. Comments and suggestions are always welcome, but please don't make them personal, unless you intend to hurt my feelings, in which case, personalize away (p.s., I have resolved this New Years to only cry once a day, so if you already see a hurtful comment, please wait until 12:01am to post your thoughts).
With those simple ground rules, mostly for me so I keep on point, time for my first journey into the Blog-o-Sphere. Hold on, this could be a bumpy ride. So, I am starting this blog because I have been thinking for awhile, if d-bags can have a blog, why can't I. I have been using Facebook status updates to accomplish this blogging desire since the status update inception, but earlier today, I got the final One-Two push to start this blog.

I was the first person to comment on my own status update. Now, I know that I have some regulars that follow my updates and I have absolutely no expectation that they will comment on every, or any, updates that I post, but since this is not the first time that I have been the first person to comment on my post, I figured it was time for me to begin this little guy.

One of my good friends, AR, suggested this would be a good idea, and by suggested, I mean that this person fueled my egomaniac tendencies enough for me to think this is a good idea. Now, I know everyone is thinking, "Awe, how cute, I am doing this because a girl gave me a compliment and told me I would be good at this." Unfortunately, the "A" in AR doesn't stand for Amanda or Alice or Ali or...well, you get the point. In the most heterosexual way possible, I started this blog because a dude told me to.

So, now that I have my first blog done, I will probably be flooding this space in the next couple days/weeks with more rambling, but hopefully it will be relevant, and if not, at least bring a smile to your face.

~Normal Guy


  1. I wonder how long its going to take Mr Carillo to attack you for encroaching on his territory

    "p.s., I have resolved this New Years to only cry once a day, so if you already see a hurtful comment, please wait until 12:01am to post your thoughts"

  2. Well, I just met him for the first time at the Holiday Bowl, so hopefully he will take it easy on me. As for his territory, as long as I don't start dating advice, hopefully I should be fine.

  3. Welcome to the blogosphere. I look forward to reading your posts.

    --Boring Old White Guy
