Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Corporate Responsibility

I know, I know, you've heard this a thousand times...Enron, Berny Madoff, even going as far back as Charles Keating (yeah, you didn't realize  you would be having a history lesson also, did you?  also, as a side note, I ran cross country against his grandson...and kicked his butt).  However, I'm talking about a different type of corporate responsibility, primarily, one where you don't get absolutely obliterated on a company trip and then get everyone else who goes out with you just by association.  First, let me just say that I have been "that guy" on more than one occasion, but I at least know what is socially acceptable based on the group that I go out with.  

Here are a list of things not to do while hanging out with coworkers:
  • show up late for work the next day
  • tell your boss that you're not 100% that day
  • grind on a coworker at a dance club, even after several attempts of everyone telling you to stop
  • once again, showing up late for work
  • charge a $500 bar tab to your corporate room
  • post on facebook at 2am how fucked up you are, especially when you're friends with the VP

And to top it off, everyone that participated in these events talked about it the next day with coworkers in plain earshot of everyone's managers.  Although I was present for all these events, I did not participate in any one of them.  However, because I am the new guy and my managers (yes, I have multiple managers) wanted to make sure that I did not "fall into a bad crowd", I was talked to on Monday after the company trip.  I then had to personally go to three different vice presidents and apologize for the actions of both myself and the group that I was with.  Although I think I burned a couple "Golden Boy" points with my higher-ups, I learned a very valuable lesson of which coworkers I can drink with and which coworkers are liabilities.  I look at this as a long term investment in my job security.  As a closing thought, if you're going to do something stupid, get as far the fuck away from me and just ruin your own reputation.

1 comment:

  1. wow... umm, my advice, assume all and i mean ALL co-workers are liabilities, because i can guarantee that they cannot hang with us and are by definition liabilities. I have learned my own lessons about drinking and work too! to quote my boy "good luck in life"
