Sunday, April 10, 2011

The Great Un-Compromise

It's so nice to run across a blog that is so accurate.

Most people think that the Republican party is splintered between the Tea Party, Fiscal Conservatives, and Social Conservatives.  However, even in their apparent confusion, they are still playing the democrats, at least Obama and the Senate leadership, like a puppet master.  

I want bi-partisan cooperation in DC as much as the next person, but having one side coming out saying they want the entire universe and then "compromising" on just having the moon isn't bi-partisan and isn't cooperation.  I think this quote is exactly what is wrong with Obama and his connection to his base.
"They know President Obama will go to the middle of any spectrum, no matter how radical"
On almost every hot-topic issue that the Republicans are proposing, they have a lot more to lose from their base than the Democrats do.  Because the Democratic base is so wide and diverse, it is a lot harder for a Democrat to alienate the entire base.  Therefore, if a Democrat doesn't compromise with a Republican and a stalemate ensues, the Democrat will most likely only alienate a small percentage of his/her base.  However, if a Republican fails at "compromise" and a stalemate ensues (read...public options, Guantanamo Bay, tax increases, Bush Era tax cuts, etc), then all Republican voters feel betrayed.  However, the Republicans are excellent at "compromise" and not blinking.

Because of this sole fact of Obama, Reid, and the other Democratic leaders, I really fear the "compromise" that will come out of Paul Ryan's 25% individual and corporate tax rate for his newly proposed budget.  I can see in less than 13 years since Bill Clinton, for the maximum tax rate going from a healthy 39% (and that was only for companies with a taxable income of over $18 million dollars, not a "Ma & Pa" business) to something dramatically less, on top of 2 funded (and one of them being the longest war in US history).  I smell a compromise of less than 30% maximum tax rate, and that is a really scary thought.

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