Thursday, April 14, 2011

Social Security is the answer, just not to the Republican question of balancing the budget

I'm sick of assholes blatantly lying and people not calling them out on it.  Social Security is not adding to the national deficit or the national debt.  Not a single penny.  Social Security, by law, has to be a funded program.  That is why you pay a Social Security tax.  A few years ago, a more important (and accurate) debate was being waged: how to keeping the funding source of Social Security high enough with the Baby Boomers retiring.  For decades, Washing has taken the surplus in the Social Security fund being paid by Baby Boomers (more of Baby Boomers were working than Baby Boomers' parents retiring, so there was a surplus).  Congress never repaid a lot of this borrowed spending, so the "individual deferment" tax actually turned into a "direct pipeline" tax in which those currently working are paying for those retiring.

This is currently argument you can have regarding Social Security; the solvency of the funding sources because of the past pillaging of the surplus, not a deficit reduction.  CUTTING SOCIAL SECURITY WOULD HAVE ZERO IMPACT ON THE DEFICIT.  ZERO (is there a way I can make capital letters even larger?).  One more time, ZERO IMPACT.  Every thing that a Republican or Tea-Partier says regarding cutting back on Social Security to balance the budget is an absolute lie.  By law, if funding for Social Security is reduced, then an individual's taxes would be decreased by the same amount (this is a different argument, tax cuts, but cutting taxes for necessary social safety nets is a very risky business).  Therefore, legally, if Congress cut Social Security, they would need to reduce taxes and you still have a $1 trillion deficit.  Please please please write your politicians and tell them to stop lying to us and have an educated conversation with us about money.  We, the American people, are smarter than you Congress, think that we are.

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