Saturday, April 23, 2011

Reality Check: We're not "Raising" Taxes

Okay, it's 10:50pm at night for me, so if this doesn't make sense, sorry.  But, I'm tried of the Democrats having absolutely lousy talking points.  What have the liberals been talking about for the past weeks, months, and 2 years?  "Raising taxes" on the richest Americans.  Here's a news flash one likes raising taxes, even if those raises don't even affect you.

Although the polling as of yesterday suggests that 65% of Americans are against the Paul Ryan plan and 34% are in favor of it, if you propose the following poll, you will a) get much better results and b) inform the public a little to what the plan (and likewise, the opposite plan) is proposing:

  1. Return to the economic prosperity of the 90's with the highest GPD growth rate of American history and you had a job and could be financed and only those corporations making $18,000,000+ in taxable income would see their taxes raise to 39%?
  2. Have every senior already living on a fixed income have to pay $6,000 more in taxes next year?
I don't care how you phrase it, those are the NUMBERS.  The plans don't in as few words call for those actions, but the Progressive Caucus (not necessarily Obama's plan...and I'm not all that in favor of letting the Bush Tax cuts expire and raise the tax of the richest like the PC are in favor of doing) wants #1 and Ryan wants a number 2.  

Now, I could make a joke about Ryan's plan being a piece of s*it, but that would just seem juvenile.

Would you rather 

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